Thursday 27 December 2012

What Is Medicare Supplement Plan F?

The basic and original coverages provided by Medicare are Part A (hospitalization) and Part B (doctor visits and required medical equipment). Currently, there are at least 11 supplement plans referred to as Medigap policies that fill any coverage gaps involved with Parts A and B. One of these is Plan F. It's important to know that not every company offers all 11 supplement plans. However, if they do offer at least 2 of them, they are required to offer Plans C and F. Plan F premiums typically cost between $65 and $295 per month. The premium will vary depending on the insurance carrier and the state you live in.
Coverage Provided By F

The coverage required of Medigap coverage plans is mandated and regulated by the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare. Plan F also has a "high deductible" plan because it will not pay for any type of services covered by Medicare until the plan beneficiary has paid an out-of-pocket minimum of $2,000. Once that deductible has been met, Plan F will cover 100% of the co-insurances, co-pays, and deductibles of Parts A and B including hospice care co-insurance as well as preventative services. If you get the regular Plan F you will have no deductibles or coinsurance. When speaking to an insurance professional it's important to make sure which Plan F you are being quoted.


There are only two supplements that covers any deductible expense of Part B, one of which is Medicare supplement Plan F. Additionally, this is the only supplementary plan that covers excess Part B charges. These charges typically accrue if doctors can legally charge more than what Medicare considers as reasonable service charges. Other supplement plans will usually pay for expenses that Medicare classifies as allowable. Finally, the excess amount that is allowable according to Medicare is covered by F.

Is Plan F Right For You?

Medicare supplement Plan F is viewed as one of the most popular plans because it covers 100% of the gaps encountered with Plans A and B meaning that it provides the highest amount of coverage of any of the Medigap insurance plans. For many individuals, the plan may seem a bit confusing initially. However, if you answer a few questions, it will not only explain the plan more thoroughly, you will be able to decide whether or not it is right for you.

Buying Land on eBay

If you've every perused the Real Estate section of eBay, you will have noticed a Land section which is full of listings for raw or vacant land. Raw land is exactly what it sounds like, it has not been developed at all. It has no home, usually no well, no septic, etc and on eBay some of these listings appear to have land for a very affordable price. It is possible to get good deal on a plot of land from eBay but it is important to do your research first or you may end up regretting your purchase.

My first and only experience buying land on eBay came in December 2010. For years I had been browsing eBay's land listing, more out of curiosity than anything but as my search for local land became unrealistic due to high land prices, I turned to eBay for something more affordable. My intent to buy land on eBay has been solely for retirement. I currently live on a one acre lot and I would like to retire on a much larger lot. I thought that if I made my payments to own the land by the time i retire, then I would be able to build a home with savings or from selling my current house and live there rent and mortgage free. I had my plan, now I just needed to find a suitable tract of land.

For anyone looking to buy land, whether it's on eBay or from a realtor, it's important to look for a few things. First thing to look for is accessibility. Where is the land? Is it on a main paved road? Is that road maintained year round? Or is it a seasonal dirt road that is only maintained during the warm months and snowed over during the colder months? Making access to and from your property very difficult. Is it near amenities like stores, supermarkets, post office, etc. When you are looking for land do you want to maintain the convenience of life of where you are or are you really looking to rough it and be truly self-sufficient. There is also the issue of easements, some plot of land may be "land-locked" This means they have no direct access to a road. This also usually means that you will have to cross through someone else's land to get to a road. This can be a touchy situation. Imagine someone buying land adjacent to yours and having or needing an easement to cross your land to get to the road. This can sometimes lead to tension between neighbors. I recommend to avoid a plot of land that requires an easement to get to and from your property.

Another important thing to consider is access to clean water. Many land lots on eBay are far from utilities, not all but a good bit, in these cases you will need to drill a well for water. This is easier in the east than in the west. Many of the cheap plots of land in states like Arizona or Colorado, may not even have water since they are so dry. So water would have to be trucked onto your site and stored for your use. It is important to ask the seller if the water table is high enough for a well to be drilled. There are a lot of things you can live without but it's really hard to live without water, for yourself but especially if you plan on raising animals.Access to energy is another thing to look for. Sometimes buying land is a good opportunity to go off grid. When choosing you plot of land, explore which types of renewable energy would be feasible. Almost all lots are great for solar or wind as long as there is not too much tree cover. Many lots have electric at the street or nearby. You will also want a source of heat so it is best to choose what that source of heat will be before you buy your land. Will it be firewood you grow or buy, or propane, or solar? These are all things to consider when shopping for land.

How Cheap Car Insurance Can Be Secured By Young Drivers

Young drivers have a tough time of it when they first set out as drivers. For the vast majority of the 17-25 age group, this is through no fault of their own, with statistical evidence highlighting the group rather than individuals.

Almost across the board, young drivers are the least trustworthy when driving a car. They are easily distracted by cell-phones and other digital gadgets, and are prone to speeding more so than older generations. And because large insurance claims are made by more 17-25 year-olds than any other group, it is only logical that low cost car insurance is off the table.

However, there are ways to lower the overall cost of car insurance for this age group. And while it may take time to enjoy truly cheap insurance premiums, it is not impossible to make insurance much more affordable.

The Issue of Driver Experience
A core point that insurance companies make is that young drivers are not experienced enough in driving to be fully trusted. It is, they claim, not an ageist policy but one that is based on facts and figures. The problem is that the experience void can only be filled over time, so cheap car insurance is something this age group must wait for.

But there are ways to address that apparent injustice. While time spent on the road may not be the most assured way of securing low cost auto insurance, it is possible to show a greater responsibility and interest in driving safety. The availability of advanced driving courses provides documented proof of an ability to handle certain situations.

Experience teaches people what a textbook or theory cannot. But through specific practical courses, a young driver can prove an ability to drive with responsibility, and have some more experience than normal drivers their age. These certificates can help to lower the cost of car insurance.

Steps to Securing a Lower Premium
Of course, there are several other steps that a young driver can take to get closer to cheap car insurance. These relate chiefly to security and driving habits, but having an overall mature attitude when dealing with insurance companies can also be helpful in lowering a premium.

Since a young driver is low on driving experience, low cost auto insurance is still a way off when they secure their driving license, but making the car less likely to be stolen can help to lower the premium to a degree. So, installing a reliable alarm, and an immobilizer are both viable options.

A second move is to ensure that no speeding tickets, parking tickets or other driving-relative misdemeanors are recorded. These can be easily policed by a driver, but less influence can be exercised over being involved in an accident. Proving no responsibility for an accident by supplying detailed accident reports is important when seeking car insurance quotes.

Other Incentives
There are other incentives available as part of a range of marketing drives by individual insurance companies. Collectively, they can translate to cheap car insurance, though there may be considerable effort required to do so. For example, some companies offer discounts to students who maintain a high grade-point average.

4 Common Myths About HIPAA Exams

f you are employed in the healthcare, insurance, legal, or related industries you are likely certified in many different policies and legislation. One important piece of legislation for those industries is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) that was put into effect in 1996. If you have not already, you may have thought about or plan to get certified by taking a HIPAA exam. Like anything else, there are some common myths or misconceptions about exams that could be holding you back. Putting these myths to rest will hopefully inspire you to reconsider taking an exam and obtaining HIPAA certification.

This list is to help dispute some common myths about exams that may be discouraging you or your employees from obtaining certification. Below are 4 common myths often associated with exams and training programs:

1) HIPAA exams are expensive. This myth was started because some programs are expensive. That is certainly not the case for all programs. Just like traditional colleges, the exam and training programs come in a wide range of prices. Some very reputable HIPAA certification programs offer training and exams at very reasonable rates. At that cost, there is no reason not to become HIPPA certified.

2) HIPAA training takes too much time. Many think that the training programs leading up to the exams take days or weeks to complete. This is another common misconception. There are reputable HIPAA training programs that only take approximately 45 minutes to complete. A certification program that short can be done over the lunch hour.

3) HIPAA exams and certification are not necessary. It is true that HIPAA certification is not required by law for most professions, but all professions are held accountable for HIPAA laws. Without the deep understand that a HIPAA training and exam can provide, you may find yourself in violation. A HIPAA violation can result in hefty fees or a civil lawsuit. Not only are there legal repercussions, but you may lose patients or clients if they discover your HIPAA violations.

4) One HIPAA certification is good for my lifetime. Like any other laws or legislation, HIPAA is constantly changing. To keep current on HIPAA policies, you must renew your HIPAA certification periodically. Many exam and training providers offer automatic renewal reminders so you can know when you need to renew your certification. These renewal reminders are helpful if you can not always keep a close watch on HIPAA changes.

10 HIPAA and Other Training Exams Healthcare Pros Should Take

One of the best ways for healthcare professionals to stay at the top of their game is continuing education and certification. Backed by extensive and solid knowledge, professionals are more prepared to handle the obstacles they encounter every day. One important certification that professionals should obtain is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA exams are an excellent way to test and maintain knowledge of HIPAA regulations and compliance.

In addition to the HIPAA exam there is a long list of exams that every health professional should consider taking. The more certifications a healthcare professional has, the better care they can provide to their patients. Below are 10 exams every professional should consider taking:

1) HIPAA exam. Mentioned before, the HIPAA exam is an important exam to take. By completed certification in HIPAA healthcare professionals can ensure they will always be in compliance. HIPAA violations are costly often resulting in fines and civil lawsuits.

2) Assault, Abuse, and Neglect exam. This training is essential for any professionals that come in direct contact with patients. Emergency healthcare, women's healthcare, and children's healthcare providers will find this particularly useful in identifying when these types of issues come up with their patients.

3) Advanced Healthcare Directive exam. An advanced healthcare directive, also known as a living will, details the steps that should be taken should a person become too ill or incapacitated to make their own healthcare decisions. Any healthcare professional can use the extra training to navigate this emotional and complicated issue.

4) Age Appropriate Care exam. No matter the age, young or elderly, each stage of human development requires specific care and treatment. This training and exam will help healthcare professionals identify the different needs of each age group.

5) Aseptic technique training exam. The aseptic training teaches how to perform sterilization procedures and maintain a sterile environment. This training is especially useful to those professionals in surgery situations, but is applicable to all healthcare professionals.

6) Bloodborne pathogen training exam. Many of the world's deadliest and most dangerous diseases are carried and spread through human blood. Completing a training exam on bloodborne pathogens can greatly reduce risks of spread of disease by professionals.

7) Body Mechanics training exam. The study of the human body's natural movement, body mechanics is a must for all professionals. Completing a body mechanics training exam will provide healthcare professional with additional knowledge in diagnosis and treating certain body ailments in patients.

8) CPR training exam. CPR, an important aspect of first aid, training is highly useful in any type of healthcare environment. It is also highly valuable in many other professions.