Thursday 27 December 2012

10 HIPAA and Other Training Exams Healthcare Pros Should Take

One of the best ways for healthcare professionals to stay at the top of their game is continuing education and certification. Backed by extensive and solid knowledge, professionals are more prepared to handle the obstacles they encounter every day. One important certification that professionals should obtain is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). HIPAA exams are an excellent way to test and maintain knowledge of HIPAA regulations and compliance.

In addition to the HIPAA exam there is a long list of exams that every health professional should consider taking. The more certifications a healthcare professional has, the better care they can provide to their patients. Below are 10 exams every professional should consider taking:

1) HIPAA exam. Mentioned before, the HIPAA exam is an important exam to take. By completed certification in HIPAA healthcare professionals can ensure they will always be in compliance. HIPAA violations are costly often resulting in fines and civil lawsuits.

2) Assault, Abuse, and Neglect exam. This training is essential for any professionals that come in direct contact with patients. Emergency healthcare, women's healthcare, and children's healthcare providers will find this particularly useful in identifying when these types of issues come up with their patients.

3) Advanced Healthcare Directive exam. An advanced healthcare directive, also known as a living will, details the steps that should be taken should a person become too ill or incapacitated to make their own healthcare decisions. Any healthcare professional can use the extra training to navigate this emotional and complicated issue.

4) Age Appropriate Care exam. No matter the age, young or elderly, each stage of human development requires specific care and treatment. This training and exam will help healthcare professionals identify the different needs of each age group.

5) Aseptic technique training exam. The aseptic training teaches how to perform sterilization procedures and maintain a sterile environment. This training is especially useful to those professionals in surgery situations, but is applicable to all healthcare professionals.

6) Bloodborne pathogen training exam. Many of the world's deadliest and most dangerous diseases are carried and spread through human blood. Completing a training exam on bloodborne pathogens can greatly reduce risks of spread of disease by professionals.

7) Body Mechanics training exam. The study of the human body's natural movement, body mechanics is a must for all professionals. Completing a body mechanics training exam will provide healthcare professional with additional knowledge in diagnosis and treating certain body ailments in patients.

8) CPR training exam. CPR, an important aspect of first aid, training is highly useful in any type of healthcare environment. It is also highly valuable in many other professions.

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